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Considering an Extension?

Ground floor extension under construction

Before commiting please consider the cost, not only of the build but also the new furniture and fittings that you need, and compare that cost to the value that you are likely to add.  The advice of two or three local estate agents will be helpful here.


There is a wealth of helpful advice available on the internet; this Checkatrade article is a good place to start.


Finally for this brief overview don't forget to tell your insurance company of the building works; they may wish to adjust your cover or premium.

French doors and windows on an extension

Are you short of space inside your home but perhaps with a garden that is big enough?  If so an extension might be the right answer.  It is easy to decide on the most obvious size and location but to be a success an extension needs some careful thought to get right.


What is it that you want to achieve?  A single storey to form a larger kitchen is often the motive.  A two storey extension for more ground floor space but also to build an en-suite for the main bedroom?  To achieve the most benefit if is usually important to consider an extension not just on its own but in conjunction with changes to your existing configuration or current use.  Too big can be as bad as too small so take a holistic approach to the overall design.


Give thought to the design of your extension and make this harmonious with your existing building.  We have all seen examples of badly designed extensions, wrong bricks, flat roof, different windows, etc.  These mistakes can detract from a house value, not add to it, and are likely to make your house more difficult to sell when that time comes.


We would be delighted to chat with you about your ideas - please give us a call!

Finished lounge extension

Permitted Development and Planning Permission

Your planned extension may meet the criteria for Permitted Development and not require Planning Permission.  Getting this wrong can be very expensive so please check carefully with your local council planning department, and then get confirmation in writing.


If you can go ahead under Permitted Development  you will still need Building Regulations approval.  The only exceptions are small outbuildings and some conservatories.  Again, please consult your local planning department; they are very helpful and are as keen as you are that you get it right!

Southdowns Builders has a wealth of experience with extensions. 

Please contact us for a free no-obligation discussion of your developing plans.

Before and After photos

Old style French doors before
Newly installed bifolds

Central brick pier and thick plastic-framed doors removed and opening widened to fit

narrow-frame aluminium bifolds; thus opening up the view to the re-landscaped garden

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